Where to go for more information.


"To promote and advance the art, science and enjoyment of Amateur Radio."

Founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim, ARRL (American Radio Relay League) is the national association for Amateur Radio in the US. Today, with more than 161,000 members, ARRL is the largest organization of radio amateurs in the world. ARRL's mission is based on five pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership.


Federal Communications Commision's Wireless Services

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Services - Amateur Radio related site that offers a new ULS (Universal Licensing System) for all amateurs and prospective amateur operators. Also the current Title 47, part 97 rules are located here





QRZ.com is a wonderful resource for amateurs. Asside from hosting a license holder database that is updated daily from the FCC's ULS database, there are many articles, forums and things of general interest to radio amateurs.


Findlar Radio Club, Inc.

And naturally, you may rely on the membership for information and guidance in the areas of amateur radio, and topics of all types that relate to what we employ in our day to day lives as radio amateurs.

How To Become A Member

You may contact any current member about membership. We hold two meetings a month on the first and third Thursday of the month. The only requirements to become a full member is to be a licensed amateur, attend 3 meetings after which the membership will vote you in. You need only then to pay the yearly dues to maintain your status as an active member. Everyone interested are ENCOURAGED to attend meetings to see what we are all about.

Also: You may get a feel for the club through participating with one of our weekly EmComm nets held on the club's 2m repeater. You need only be a licensed amateur and everyone is encouraged to participate; regardless if they are members of either the FRC, or not - so check in with us at 8PM EST each Wednesday!

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