Events Calendar

ARRL Great Lakes Convention
Saturday, March 14, 2020, 08:30am - 09:30pm
Hits : 484
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ARRL Great Lakes Convention (Saturday - March 14th, 2020) from 8:30am-9:30pm

Location:  Owens Community College (Perrysburg, OH, just outside Toledo) - Veteran's Hall :  30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg, OH  43551

What:  3 Rooms of fantastic forums all day, starting with the President of the ARRL (Rick Roderick) at 9am, 2 hours of forums with Bob Heil, the ARRL Banquet (need to buy tickets ahead online at the website), and a late Wouff Hong.

Food:  A food truck will be available on-site and information is available for other local establishments.

Tickets:  You can pre-purchase tickets on the website ( and receive a $5 discount when purchasing for both the Saturday Convention and the Sunday Hamfest.

Other:  Options for group meetings between 4-6pm - Let us know you are interested in your group using a room!